Run Easy Today

let´s start
your journey

Explore a different way to train

Run Easy Today

Attention all new runners! Are you looking for a way to start your running journey without getting discouraged or injured? Look no further. With the Run Easy Today approach and my expertise as your personal online running coach, I’m here to help you reach your running goals in a safe, healthy, and sustainable way.

Whether you want to improve your endurance, lose weight, or just feel better, The Run Easy Today unique combination of MAF, 80/20, and low heart rate training methods will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to succeed. With a focus on proper form, gradual progression, and personalized training plans, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. Get ready to take your first step on the road to becoming a happier, healthier runner with Run Easy Today!

Online personal running coach
Running in Isaberg, Sweden.
Running in the Blue Mountains, Australia
Ridge in Blue Mountains

The run is a form of meditation, a chance to escape the chaos of daily life and find a sense of calm. It’s a time to clear my mind and focus on the present moment, to appreciate the beauty of the world around me and to simply be grateful for the ability to run.

Run easy Training Plans

As your personal running coach, I’ll create a customized Run Easy Today training plan specifically for you based on the MAF, 80/20, and low heart rate training methods. Your plan will include gradual progression and proper form to minimize the risk of injury and help you achieve your running goals.

Expert Guidance and Support

As a online personal running coach, I’ll provide you with regular check-ins and progress updates, as well as encouragement and motivation to keep you on track. My goal is to help you achieve your best results and reach your full potential as a runner using the Run Easy Today program.

Health and Wellness Focus

The Run Easy Today approach to running coaching prioritizes your overall health and well-being. I believe in balancing intensity with rest and recovery, and helping you build a sustainable and enjoyable running practice. By focusing on your health and wellness, I’ll help you reach your running goals in a healthy and fulfilling way.

The run is a form of meditation, a chance to escape the chaos of daily life and find a sense of calm. It’s a time to clear my mind and focus on the present moment, to appreciate the beauty of the world around me and to simply be grateful for the ability to run.

Plan tailored to you

We always start together by tailoring a Run Easy Today plan that fits  your specific needs as a runner. Whether you’re a beginner, want to lose weight, or an older runner, we’ve got you covered. Explore each option below to find the best fit for you and start your running journey with confidence.

Beginner Runner

Starting a running program can be exciting and a little bit daunting, but I'm here to help! My focus is on helping you build a strong foundation and develop a love for running. We’ll work together to establish a consistent training routine that fits your schedule and lifestyle, and I’ll help you set achievable goals for your future as a runner.

The Run Easy approach will emphasize proper form and technique, as well as gradual progression to minimize the risk of injury. I’ll also provide guidance and support on important aspects of running, such as nutrition, hydration, and injury prevention. Whether you’re a complete beginner or just getting back into running after a long break, I'm here to help you every step of the way.

My goal is to help you develop a love for running and establish a strong foundation that you can build on for years to come. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, relieve stress, or simply enjoy a new hobby, I'm here to help you achieve your goals and make running a part of your life.

Running for Weight Loss

Running is a fantastic way to achieve weight loss goals and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. My focus is on helping you reach your weight loss goals through running and making it a sustainable part of your life.

We’ll work together to develop a training plan that emphasizes calorie burn and healthy weight loss, and that takes into account your individual needs and goals. The Run Easy approach will include guidance and support on nutrition, hydration, and injury prevention.

Whether you’re just starting out on your weight loss journey or want to take your results to the next level, I'm here to help you every step of the way. My goal is to help you reach your ideal weight and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle through running.

Whether you want to lose a few pounds, get in shape for a special event, or simply improve your overall health and well-being, I'm here to help you achieve your goals and make running a part of your journey.

Older Runner 50+

As we age, it’s important to maintain our fitness and health through regular physical activity. My focus is on helping you start or continue to enjoy running as you age and reach your full potential.

We’ll work together to develop a Run Easy training plan that takes into account your individual needs and goals, and that emphasizes proper form and gradual progression. Whether you’re an experienced runner or just starting out, I’ll help you establish a routine that works for you and your lifestyle.

Whether you want to compete in races, enjoy running as a hobby, or simply maintain your overall fitness and health, I'm here to help you every step of the way.

My goal is to help you enjoy running for years to come and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle through this fantastic sport. If you’re trying to start running, set new personal records, explore new running routes, or simply stay fit and healthy, I'm here to help you achieve your goals and make running a part of your life.

Start to Run Easy Today!

Are you ready to start your running journey and take your fitness to the next level? The first step is to schedule a FREE intro session with me. During this session, we’ll talk about the Run Easy program, your goals, reasons for starting a running program, and any challenges or obstacles you may face. I’ll also explain my approach to running coaching and how I can help you reach your full potential.

This intro session is the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit for working together. There’s no obligation or commitment required, and I’m confident that you’ll leave the session feeling inspired and motivated to begin your running journey.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s start your journey today! Contact me to schedule your FREE intro session and take the first step towards becoming a stronger, healthier, and more active you.

you will receive

2 monthly online meetings with your personal running coach

A customized Run Easy training plan that’s regularly updated to meet your changing needs and goals

Direct message access for quick and convenient support and answers to any questions you may have

Feedback on your workouts to help you track your progress and identify areas for improvement

Video analysis of your running form to help you improve your technique and minimize the risk of injury

Regular check-ins and progress updates to keep you motivated and on track

Advice on nutrition, injury prevention, and other important aspects of a healthy and sustainable running practice

A personalized approach to coaching that prioritizes your health, well-being, and enjoyment of the sport.

Start to Run Easy Today

Starting a healthier life can be a challenging journey, and it's natural to face setbacks and obstacles along the way. But it's important to remember that the true measure of success is not whether you fall, but how you respond to those falls. Every time you stumble, use it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and rise again. Your resilience and determination in the face of adversity will not only help you achieve your goals, but also build a stronger and more resilient you. So keep pushing forward, and never give up on your journey towards a healthier, happier life.

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